EICMA 2024 has come to a close, and what an incredible experience it has been! This year’s show was one of the busiest we’ve ever seen, marking a return to the high attendance levels we were accustomed to before the pandemic. It was truly exciting to see so many people visit our stand, marveling at Italjet’s current lineup!
One of the highlights of the show was the unveiling of the highly anticipated Italjet 700 Twin Limited Edition, now in its final form. With nearly 700 pre-orders already placed for this exclusive machine, the excitement around this model was palpable. Watching people's reactions was an emotional experience for us. A special moment for me was interacting with two pre-order customers who traveled all the way from Spain to see the 700 in person. The joy on their faces was unforgettable, and you could see their goosebumps as we invited them onto the plinth to sit on the bike they had been eagerly awaiting. Moments like these are what make it all worthwhile – they remind us why we do what we do and how we’ve captured the hearts of those who appreciate the engineering and unique style of the Dragster 700!
Another exciting reveal at EICMA was the Italjet Speedster, a new model designed to make Italjet’s high-performance motorcycles more accessible to a broader audience. We often receive messages from fans who love the Dragster but find its premium price tag – thanks to features like the trellis frame, ISS system, and top-tier components – a bit out of reach. With the Speedster, we aimed to offer a more affordable option while retaining the core DNA and exceptional quality that makes the full Dragster so special. It was fantastic to see the overwhelming positive feedback and the attention this new model received at the show!
Of course, we can’t forget the Dragster 125/200/300 – the iconic machine that put Italjet on the map. We showcased new colorways and a range of tuning options and accessories, allowing customers to personalize their Dragster to their exact tastes. The Dragster continues to be a firm favorite, now sold in over 48 countries worldwide!
We want to extend a huge thank you to all the fans and customers who visited us at the show. Your support means everything to us. A special thanks as well to our partners, dealers, and distributors around the world, many of whom came to the show to help spread the word about Italjet and our passion for performance and design.
Until next year, stay tuned for more exciting updates from Italjet!